Born and raised amidst the hustle and heartbeat of the Bronx, I grew up in a home where spirituality was the daily bread – both my mom and dad are preachers. Funny enough, the preaching genes skipped a beat with me, but oh boy, did their teachings echo loud and clear in my journey.
By fifteen, life threw me a curveball – I became a mom to my wonderful son. But you know what they say about Bronx girls? We don’t back down. Not only did I embrace motherhood, but I also powered through to earn both my bachelor's and master's degrees before hitting 25. Talk about hustle, right?
My 30's? Well, let’s just say it was a roller coaster. I faced hardships and traumas that piled up, pushing me to a breaking point. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and a string of job losses that led to homelessness. I hit a surreal phase, feeling like I was floating in a dream, detached from reality. It felt like a never-ending nightmare.
But here's the twist: the spiritual roots planted by my parents acted like a lifeline. Their teachings and my indomitable spirit became the foundation on which I rebuilt my life. It's that very journey, filled with its ups and downs, that inspired me to create this anxiety support group. A haven for souls seeking guidance, support, and a sprinkle of Bronx resilience.
If you're here searching for a beacon or just a little nudge towards healing, know you're in good company. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing, together. Cheers to embracing our challenges and celebrating our victories, big or small! 🌟💪